Southwest Ag Solutions is here for liquid fertilizer needs.
We have the knowledge and experience to provide you and your farm the right liquid fertilizer for your crop variety, soil type, moisture level and at a cost that your pocketbook will appreciate.
We are farmers too.
Our trust in this product goes behind seeing the numbers and trials on paper. We witness the results on our own crops.

What makes our liquid fertilizer different than the standard liquid fertilizers out there?
Our liquid fertilizer can be used on both corn and soybeans. The low salt level provides flexibility in use behind just corn. As farmers, we know how unusual this is. Soybeans usually require a special fertilizer formulation to ensure the safety of the plant from burning. This often leads to bean fields not being fertilized at all. Why risk it? Now enter our liquid fertilizer.
At Southwest Ag Solutions, we have personally witnessed the difference in our own fields and in trials.
A recent trial compared two soybean fields of similar soil types and conditions, one applied with our fertilizer and the other not. The field applied had 69 bushels of soybeans. The non-applied field harvested 61 bushels. It is common to see drastic differences in the beginning of a plant’s life with fertilizer. However, these results often are not seen through to harvest. This product shows the difference. This is one trial of many showing just how our liquid fertilizer is a piece of the overall package needed to reach your desired yields.
At the end of the day, we are farmers. We get it. Year after year we are all in search for the perfect solution package to achieve the highest yields at the lowest input cost.
Let us, at Southwest Ag Solutions, show you just how our liquid fertilizer can help you achieve these goals.
We're ready to help!
The power that mentorship has and its ability to be a catalyst for success is inspiring. We know what works and are here to support you in your success.